Package ptree
source code
Two drop-in replacements for xml.etree.ElementTree with elements that
automatically keep track of parent pointers. This package defines two
objects, each of which provide the same interface as the
xml.etree.ElementTree module:
ptree.ParentedTree: Each element keeps track of a single parent
pointer, returned by the element's `parent()` method. Elements may
have at most one parent; i.e., subtrees may not be shared. Any
attempt to do use a single element as a child for multiple parents
will generate a ValueError.
ptree.MultiParentedTree: Each element keeps track of a list of parent
pointers, returned by the element's `parents()` method. Elements may
have zero or more parients; i.e., subtrees may be shraed. If a
single Element is used as multiple children of the same parent, then
that parent will appear multiple times in the parents list.
Aside from addition of parent pointers, these two objects should act
identically to xml.etree.ElementTree.
Note: Mixing of etree implementations is not supported. I.e., you
should never construct a tree that combines elements from ParentedTree
with elements from MultiParentedTree, or elements from either of these
implementations with elements from any other implementation. Doing so
may result in incorrect parent pointers and ValueError exceptions.
ParentedTree = ElementTreeImplementation(_ParentedElement)
MultiParentedTree = ElementTreeImplementation(_MultiParentedEl...
__package__ = ' ptree '
- Value: